Several reactions have trailed the online education since its inception.
Teachers and school administrators have shared their various experiences with the digital initiative.
In this interactive session with the Headboy of Landmark College, Ikorodu, Lagos, Adams Omotoyosi, he talks extensively on the online education. He shares his views on the pros and cons and the initiative in itself.
Question: Could you please tell us a little about yourself?
Toyosi: Well, I’m Adams Omotoyosi, the Head Boy of Landmark College. I’m 16 years of age, and I’m a science student.
Question: How has learning been since the beginning of the lockdown imposed on schools across the country?
Toyosi: Indeed, learning has been quite impressive. Teachers and students have access to the internet while teaching. This makes it more convenient. Students can even watch videos of what the teacher is trying to point across. It makes learning and understanding easier just by sitting at our homes.
Question: Are you saying this online learning is preferable to physical learning in the classroom?
Toyosi: With the way the world is evolving into a computer village, I’d say yes.
Question: What can you say about the online learning, in reference to your school?
Toyosi: Landmark College is doing very well in terms of the e-learning. The Microsoft Teams app is not used by many schools. Most of them use Zoom. But it has so many fantastic features: a teacher can give tests, exams and even assignments on it. Screen sharing is also another great feature. In general, it’s been very helpful.
Question: Considering your experience so far, what do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the online education?
Toyosi: Its strengths should be the fact that there are better visual explanations. Reference can be made to YouTube videos which excites students of nowadays.
But the weakness on the other hand, should be the fact that there isn’t any physical interaction between teachers and students.
Question: Do you expect reopening of schools any moment from now?
Toyosi: Yes, I’m positive and hopeful.
Question: Why?
Toyosi: We still have lots of students that are yet to write their final examinations. The ministry of education would find something to do about that.